Loyalitas Pelanggan, Tahu, UMKMAbstract
This study aims to determine whether customer loyalty is influenced by the quality and price of products from the Dapur Tahu Alami MSME, and how much product quality and price together can affect customer loyalty from this MSME. The study was conducted in May and June 2024 at the Dapur Tahu Alami MSME in Padang City, West Sumatra. The location of the study was chosen purposively considering that this MSME has survived for about 25 years. The population in this study were all customers of the Dapur Tahu Alami MSME and the sampling method was carried out using the purposive sampling method. The method used in this study was the survey method and for data analysis, descriptive and quantitative analysis methods were used. The results of the study showed that: 1) T test on product quality with a t count value of 2.181, a significant value of 0.034 and a t table of 1.674; 2) T test on product quality with a t count value of 2.876, a significant value of 0.006 and a t table of 1.674; 3) correlation/relationship test, namely 0.654 or 65.4%.
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