Pusat Grosir Bias Ponsel Kota Padang


  • Yoliza Fitra Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sumbar
  • Mirza A. Malik Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Barat


Compensation, Job Training, Job Satisfaction, Performance Employee


The purpose of this research is to know how much influence the compensation and job training to job satisfaction and great influence of job training, compensation and job satisfaction for performance employee in wholesale center bias phoncel padang city. This research was conducted in a wholesale center bias phoncel padang city by using 63 people to responden. The technique used is the analysis of path analysis (path analysis) considering the research aims to find the great of endogenous variables exogenous to the between variables. From the calculation of path analysis can be seen that the value of the adjusted coeficient of determination (R Square)is equal 0,495. It means that 49,5% of employee performance variable is explained by the independent variables consisting of compensation, training and job satisfaction. A percentage of 50,5 % is explained by other variables beyond the variables used. From the results of path analysis calculation equation is Y = 0,260 X1+0,254 X2+ 0,374 X3 + ε2 , which means that when the compensation (X1), training (X2) and jobsatisfaction (X3) increases the work performance of employees will increase simultaneously test results obtained from ANOVA values obtained 19,270 with probability ( signiicance level ) of 0.000 < 0,05 or below than 0.05 . So it can be said that the compensation, job training and job satisfaction ( together) effect on employee performance. For influence compentation and job training for job satisfaction From the results of multiple linear regression analysis calculation equation X3 = 0,263 X1+ 0,339 X2 + ε1. which means that when the compensation (X1) and training (X2) increases the job satisfaction (X3) of employees will increase simultaneously test results obtained from ANOVA values obtained 10,635 with probability ( signiicance level ) of 0.000 < 0,05 or below than 0.05 . So it can be said that the compensation, and job training together effect for job satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Fitra, Y., & Mirza A. Malik. (2023). PENGARUH KOMPENSASI, PELATIHAN KERJA DAN KEPUASAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN: Pusat Grosir Bias Ponsel Kota Padang. GREEN Journal: Journal of Economics and Business., 1(1), 11–21. Retrieved from


