JOURNAL2023-06-28T00:00:00+07:00Kristian Burhan, S. Pd., M. Pd.misterkrist88@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>EDUCA JOURNAL (EJ) is published by the Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program, Nahdlatul Ulama, West Sumatra. (EJ) publishes research articles in education that report empirical research on topics that are significant across educational contexts, in terms of design and findings. The topics can be in curriculum, teaching and learning, evaluation, quality of education, management, and educational technology. Papers, which contain reviews of the critical-research literature on special education topics are also welcome.</p> LITERATUR PENGEMBANGAN BAHAN AJAR KREATIVITAS SENI RUPA PADA SISWA SEKOLAH DASAR2023-06-14T07:31:06+07:00Dini Sri Utamidinisri1@gmail.comYona Syaida Oktiraoktiyonanio@gmail.comKristian<p>The appreciation activities in elementary school are part of art education, with the frequency of doing appreciation, the students aesthetic experience will increasingly be better. In addition, the students are expected to appreciate, realize the uniqueness of art work so that later can be applied with respect each other, and train their sensitivity to themselves and others. Drawing activities are the initial activities of students in creating fine arts. Drawing activity is the initial activity of students in creating fine art. Creating fine art with the material to create imaginative images is a field of art suitable for developing students’ creative abilities. Draw imaginative drawing for elementary school children is a drawing Creating fine art with the material to create imaginative images is a field of art suitable for developing students' creative abilities. Draw imaginative drawing for elementary school children is a drawing activity that can export students' imagination about something which is then poured in a sketch or drawing. To be able to develop talent and creativity students in creating fine arts, the teacher's job is to prepare and design learning by using innovative learning media, or apply more creative learning methods, so that the learning can be achieved.</p>2023-07-27T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2023 EDUCA JOURNAL LITERATUR PEMBELAJARAN SENI TARI DALAM PENANAMAN KARAKTER SISWA DI SEKOLAH DASAR2023-06-14T07:52:30+07:00Salmatun Zahrasalmatunzahra317@gmail.comYona Syaida Oktira oktiyonanio@gmail.comNofriza Efendi<p>This study aims to analyze the learning of dance in an effort to cultivate students' character in elementary schools. The problem of this research is related to the cultivation of students' character in learning dance. This study uses a literature study from previous research articles. Data searches are carried out by searching on Google Scholar or Google Scholar with the keywords learning the art of dance, character building for elementary school students. From the search results found 20 journal articles and proceedings that meet the criteria. The results of the study show how important it is to inculcate character in students, one of which is by learning the art of dance so that good character is formed, especially a cultured charter. Constraints in inculcating character values developed in schools have not been described in representative indicators, teachers' understanding of the concept of character education is still not comprehensive, teachers do not have sufficient competence to integrate character values, teachers have not been able to become role models for values. the character he chose.</p>2023-07-27T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2023 EDUCA JOURNAL LITERATURE SENI BUDAYA MENGGUNAKAN MUSIK LOKAL DI SEKOLAH DASAR2023-06-14T07:53:01+07:00Evelyn Aznielevelyneteniaaz1809@gmail.comNofriza Efendinofrizaefendi94@gmail.comYona Syaida<p>The problem in this study is related to the application of cultural arts literacy in elementary schools (SD) and the obstacles in its application. This research uses literature study from previous research articles. The data search was carried out by searching on Google Scholar or Google Scholar with the keywords art and music culture literacy in elementary schools. From the search results found 20 journal articles and proceedings that meet the criteria. The results showed that the application of cultural arts literacy in elementary schools was applied through approaches, models or learning methods that were suitable for the art of music. The obstacles faced in its implementation are that it requires the ability of students and teachers, students who have not been able to preserve regional music and how to apply it that attracts students' attention, so that students must apply Local culture. and very interesting Local culture is an ancestral heritage that must be preserved Skills are made not only from new things, here children will also be taught to develop their creativity in playing and learning regional music.</p>2023-07-27T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2023 EDUCA JOURNAL NURSING STUDENTS’ ABILITY IN ASKING AND GIVING DIECTION2023-06-26T10:21:38+07:00Rahmat Debirahmatdebi1506@gmail.comKristian Burhanmisterkrist88@gmail.comHelfany<p>The purpose of this research was to know the nursing students’ ability in asking and giving direction. Design of this research was descriptive research. Sample of this research was the nursing students of AKPER YPTK Solok with the total number is 28 students. The data of this research was gotten by distribution of speaking test in practice asking and giving direction. In this research the researcher records the students’ practice. The score was analyzed and classified in A, B, C, D, and E. The result of this research showed that the students’ pronunciation ability in asking and giving direction was sufficient. The students’ grammar ability in asking and giving direction was sufficient. The students’ vocabulary mastery in asking and giving direction was sufficient. The students’ fluent ability in asking and giving direction was sufficient. The students’ comprehension in asking and giving direction was sufficient. The result of this research may contribute as the professional literature for the next researchers to conduct other research about asking and giving direction.</p>2023-07-27T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2023 EDUCA JOURNAL ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS’ ABILITY IN WRITING MEMO AT THE TENTH GRADER AT SMKN 1 X KOTO DIATAS2023-06-26T10:50:11+07:00Meria Ega Saputriegasaputrimeria@gmail.comVivi Zurniatizurniativivi@gmail.comKristian<p>This research was conducted at the tenth grade of SMK N 1 X Koto Diatas becausethe students’ ability in writing memo was low. Research method that used in this research was a descriptive research. The population of this research were all of students at the tenth grade of at SMK N 1 X Koto Diatas at random sampling. Instruments that used in collecting the data was writing test.</p> <p>Based on the result of the test, it could be showed that the students’ mean score in writing heading of memo was 3,16. The students’ mean score in writing contents of memo was 2,5. The students’ mean score in writing closing of memo was 2,47. The students’ mean score in writing simple future tense of memo was 2,19. The percentage of the students’ ability in writing heading of memo was average with percentage 61,54%. The students’ ability in writing contents of memo average with percentage 69,23%. The students’ ability in writing closing of memo was average with percentage 84,62%. The students’ ability in writing simple future tense of memo was average with percentage 50%.From the data above, it can be concluded that students ability in writing memo still average, because the students qualification of mean score was average. According to the result of this research, the researcher suggested to English teacher to apply some method in teaching English. It is also suggested for the next researcher to discuss other skills to conduct similar research.</p>2023-07-27T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2023 EDUCA JOURNAL